Monday, October 12, 2009

Why God wants us to have babies?!?!

As Michelle and I are learning to be parents, one thing is very clear; it takes a lot to be parents. Sure, there is the physical tasks, but it takes much emotional and spiritual strength as well. And as I started thinking about what it takes to be a parent, I couldn't help but reflect on scripture.

Paul gives us a list of, what I feel, are the only qualities needed to be good parents. This can be found in the fifth chapter of Galatians, and are commonly called "the Fruits of the Spirit." But not only do I give the fruits to my child, I actually grow those fruits as I raise Grace. I give love to my baby, but I also grow in love. I show my child joy, but most people know of the joy given by the presence of a child. I try to show patience to Grace, but as I struggle, my patience grows. Grace needs my gentleness, but the more I strive to give, the more I learn to be.

We reap what we sow. I believe that, in God's divine Wisdom, he planted the seeds of the fruits of the Spirit in each child, not so much for the benefit of the child (although they do benefit) but for the parents to reap, and use, the fruits as mature adults. I find that truly amazing. It is a two-fold growing of the Kingdom of God: It grows both in quantity (the birth and raising of a Child of God) and in quality (the maturation, through the fruits of the Spirit, of the parents)!

I then take this leap of faith...Paul's letter is not just written to parents, but to the church in Galatia, and, essentially, all Christians. All Christians are called to cultivate, grow, and bear, the fruits of the Spirit in their own lives, in response to God's grace. By design, those fruits are all found in having children. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that...



So that we can be better people! It's all right there. In scripture and in God's awesome design of creation. It is no wonder that God's first command to humanity was "Be fruitful and multiply,"(Genesis 1:28). God wanted his creation to grow, not just in numbers, but in character. And that same call is placed on all who call on the name of the Lord!

But I will say this...the fruit needs to be watered to grow. I believe this water is "commitment." It is almost impossible for the fruits of the Spirit to grow in the parents lives, through the child, without the commitment of marriage. That is why Jesus' first miracle was the sanctification of marriage at the wedding at Cana in John chapter 2.

But we live in a world of sin. Look at the world around us. Divorce and single parenthood continues to increase along with, what I believe, are people lacking a mature character. Sin has also attacked men and woman physically, making it impossible for some to conceive and bear children. But through the Spirit of Adoption given to believers, the sin of abandoned children and physically abnormalities has been defeated, and God's original plan can be revealed!

So, how many children does God want us to have? I say 3. Why? That, my friend will be answered at another time.

God bless

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." (Gal 5:22-23)

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