Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tears of a Father

I had my first emotional breakdown the other day. Well, maybe it wasn't a complete breakdown...let me explain.

As you probably know, I have a newborn in the house. Michelle and I just got done washing her, and Michelle was still in the shower. I am always trying to be a good husband and father, so when Grace started crying, I really wanted to comfort her and make her stop, and not just run to Michelle. So I tried soothing her, and swooshing her, and giving her the pacifier. Nothing seemed to work. She kept crying more and more.

Now, I'm pretty tired, as you might guess, having a newborn and all. My deepest heart's desire is to give Michelle a break, so I was feeling the pressure to keep her quiet. Combine those two things with the usual stress of being out of work, and soon enough, my tears were flowing as well. My wet eyes quickly turned to sobbing, and soon all I could do was just hold my daughter on my shoulder, as we both cried uncontrollably. Both our faces became beat red, and along with our shirts, were soaking wet.

Of course, by this time, Michelle is running out of the shower, thinking something is terribly wrong. I tried to tell her that nothing is wrong, but I couldn't even string two words together through the weeping. She took Grace, and I plopped down on the couch to compose myself.

As a father, how I longed to sooth my child, to wipe away her every tear. It tore my heart out every time she rejected my attempt to bring comfort and healing. If she only knew my love for her, that I could help her. If she only could express to me what she needed, where she was hurting, I could bring healing.

Now I know how my Heavenly Father feels. How he longs to take away every pain, sooth every fear, wipe every tear. Unlike me, He knows exactly what each one of us needs; He knows our very hearts. And He gives us what we need, yet we reject it. How I am now convinced of how painful that feels to out Father. He gave us His Son, the author and perfecter of our Faith, through whom the Father created the world, so that we might have a mediator to our Father, to whisper in His ear our hurts and pains, something Grace couldn't do with me.

Just like me, God cries with us when we hurt, when we suffer, because of our sin. Whether it is our fault, when we turn away from His love, or we are a victim, He loves us and cares for us. But, unlike me, our Heavenly Father actually has the power and ability to take the pain, the hurt, the suffering, away from us. For good. For ever.

Won't you give up? Won't you put your pride aside, and say to Him that you can't do it anymore? Won't you let Him hold you and comfort you? Won't you let His Son Jesus bring real healing to your life?He is there for you, always, everywhere, forever.

"Since my people are crushed, I am crushed; I mourn, and horror grips me...
Oh, that my head were a spring of water and my eyes a fountain of tears! I would weep day
and night for the slain of my people.

"For the LORD will ransom Jacob and redeem them from the hand of those stronger than they.
I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of

-Jeremiah 8:21; 9:1; 31:11,13


  1. Oh Brock. I miss you! I love reading your insights, and was especially moved by this one. You're in my prayers!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. my mom always said that having a child gives a person more of a glimpse into the heart of the ultimate Father. i am now prompted to reflect on God's character, His instincts.

    thanks, and see you soon.
    ps. this is liz btw.
